First Aid Kit

Having a homemade first aid kit on hand for the everyday wound, sting, sunburn, muscle pain or injury is always a good idea. Essential oils are used widely as natural medicine but without the side effects of conventional drugs like aspirin and antibiotics. Here are some of the most common essential oils everyone should have…

Oils for Skin Care

The skin and beauty industry is a billion dollar industry unfortunately it is filled with chemicals and hydrogenated oils that cause internal toxicity in the body. The good news is you can create your own skin and beauty products that are more effective than any conventional product on the market. Here are some benefits of…

Top 15 Essential Oils

Each and every essential oil contains compounds with unique healing and therapeutic benefits. Here are some of the most popular essential oils and how to use them. Clove: Anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and antioxidant protection. (1) Cypress: Improves circulation, reduces varicose veins, lifts confidence and can help heal broken bones. (2) Eucalyptus: Improves respiratory issues like bronchitis,…

Essential Oils in Hospitals

Aromatherapy has a variety of health benefits and can be used in various settings. It is a great non-invasive way to treat a variety of medical conditions and can be used safely in combination with many other therapies. Many traditional hospitals like Vanderbilt University Hospital are catching on to the benefits of essential oils and…

History of Essential Oils

Oils have been used by the Jews, Chinese, Indians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans both as cosmetics, perfumes and for medicinal purposes. In 1928, French chemist, René-Maurice Gattefossé used lavender oil to heal a burn on his hand. He then decided to further analyze the properties of lavender oil and how it could be used to…

Essential Oil Diffusers in Home

Using essential oil diffusers to improve your health, increase your energy, or to help you sleep better. Top 10 reasons to put a diffuser in your home: 1.) Helps with sleep and relaxation 2.) Mood elevating 3.) Ward off illness 4.) Pain relief 5.) Improves breathing 6.) Improves cognitive function 7.) Safer alternative to candles 8.)…